Fall 2018
Erica Stacy
Assistant Editor
Mason Adams
Art Director
Shanin Glenn
Jenny Boone
Richard Lovegrove
Travis Williams
Allysah Fox (student intern)
Katie Magnant (student intern)
Bruce B. Harper
Production Coordinator
Megan Zalecki
Andrea Ucini
Director of Design & Digital Strategy
Brad Soucy
Executive Editor
Jesse Tuel
Senior Associate Vice President for Alumni Relations
Matthew M. Winston Jr. ’90
Tracy Vosburgh
To the editor
An engaging tradition
The summer 2018 edition of the Virginia Tech Magazine arrived today, and as usual, I read it cover to cover within short order. And, as usual, I was very impressed with what is going on today at my alma mater. The articles were enlightening, and the stories of accomplishments of various personalities were very interesting.
But, what caught my fancy was the great article about Ring Dance by Patty Perillo on page 72. I wasn’t sure the tradition had survived the many years since my days at Tech. My wife, Judie, and I led the formal figure or in today’s words—formation—proceeding the festivities. I was the shortest member of the Class of ’62 attending, and Judie was a perfect fit. We still cherish the picture of me in the mandatory tux and her in the mandatory white formal. Judie presented me with my class ring, and I presented her with an engagement ring. We celebrated all weekend and are still celebrating today!
Seth P. Oginz ’62
Bent Mountain, Virginia
Well connected

While tidying a pile on my home desk, I came across the 2016 Virginia Tech Magazine. Obviously at the time it came I thought I was too busy to read it. I’m so glad I set it aside rather than toss it.
Today, the beautiful cover pulled me in. I read the whole thing. I believe I enjoyed this issue more than any I have received, especially the lost ring stories. Thank you so much for all you do to keep far-flung Hokies feeling part of the Virginia Tech family.
While I haven’t done the great things so many stories are about, I am grateful for my VT education and for the degree, which contributed to my ability to achieve my life goals, humble as they may be.
Dorothea R. Schwind St. John ’75
Buckeye, Arizona
From the editor:
The class ring tradition at Virginia Tech dates back more than 100 years. Our university is one of only a few colleges and universities that redesign their ring collection each year. Since 2014, as part of the tradition, all of the gold rings include “Hokie Gold,” a symbol of the connection between all alumni of Virginia Tech.
Where does Hokie Gold come from? Alumni and families of alumni bequeath or donate their class rings—which are melted down to be included in the class rings of the next junior class. Rings may be donated directly or by bequest through The Hokie Gold Legacy Program, which was initiated by class members from the 1964 M Company of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, with support from the Alumni Association.
To learn more about how you can pass on the spirit and traditions of Virginia Tech through visit the Hokie Gold Legacy Program.
Erica Stacy
Story ideas and letters to the editor
Email – vtmag@vt.edu
Mail – Virginia Tech Magazine (0336); 902 Prices Fork Road; University Gateway Center, Suite 2100; Blacksburg, VA 24061
Online – submission form
Class Notes
Email – classnotes@vt.edu
Mail – Class Notes, Alumni Association; Holtzman Alumni Center (0102), Virginia Tech; 901 Prices Fork Rd.; Blacksburg, VA 24061
Online – submission form
Address Changes
Email – alumnidata@vt.edu
Phone – 540-231-6285 (M-F, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.)
Mail – Alumni Association; Holtzman Alumni Center (0102), Virginia Tech; 901 Prices Fork Rd.; Blacksburg, VA 24061
Online – updates
IMG College
The university's flagship publication, Virginia Tech Magazine forges stronger relationships among alumni, donors, and friends of Virginia Tech. The magazine highlights the vibrancy of a university on the leading edge of technology, service, learning, research, and scholarship and showcases the achievements of alumni, faculty and staff, and students through a rich array of feature stories, alumni profiles, and university and alumni news. Virginia Tech Magazine is published quarterly by the Office of University Relations, with support from Alumni Relations. The Virginia Tech Foundation underwrites most production costs.