Around the Drillfield
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Corps of Cadets
Around the Hokie Nation
“Alexa, who is Tom Taylor?”—Alumnus Profile
Going to the Dogs—Caroline Murphy— Alumna Profile
National parks—Tom Wright has seen them all—Alumnus Profile
Class Notes
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2017-18 Chapter Awards
Alumni Travel
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In Memoriam
Still Life
End Note

The mountains of Virginia have long painted the backdrop for many distilling tales, so it’s fitting that the region’s land-grant university is now producing a number of players in the continuing story of brewing.
Virginia Tech’s fermentation program teaches the aspects of malting and brewing operations
Virginia Tech is reigniting interest in the possibilities for hops in the commonwealth.
A Hokie turned his attention from crafting beers to crafting a solution
Barley Breeding Program is making strides in the development of a critical element in brewing
Family’s work fills important role for craft brewing industry

A quarter century after hackers targeted Virginia Tech, the university has decoded more than a few cybersecurity puzzles and stands as a leader, not only in cyber research but also in the education of data defense professionals.
The university’s flagship publication, Virginia Tech Magazine forges stronger relationships among alumni, donors, and friends of Virginia Tech. The magazine highlights the vibrancy of a university on the leading edge of technology, service, learning, research, and scholarship and showcases the achievements of alumni, faculty and staff, and students through a rich array of feature stories, alumni profiles, and university and alumni news. Virginia Tech Magazine is published quarterly by the Office of University Relations, with support from Alumni Relations. The Virginia Tech Foundation underwrites most production costs.