If you have published a general-interest book in the past six months, please let us know. Review copies should be mailed to Virginia Tech Magazine, 105 Media Building (0109), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
Books submitted to Virginia Tech Magazine for review will be donated to the library in The Grove, home of President and Mrs. Charles W. Steger, unless authors specifically request their return. Faculty, staff, and alumni wanting to contribute other books they have written should mail the books directly to The Grove (0446), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
In Wolf Point, a literary thriller by Professor of English Edward Falco, a middle-aged businessman is pulled into the chaotic world of a young hitchhiker and her boyfriend.
The publisher is Unbridled Books (200 N. 9th St., Ste. A, Columbia, MO 65201); www.unbridledbooks.com.
In Trips and Whales and Puppy Dog Tales by Jeanne Bruce--the pen name of Jeanne Kern and Bruce R. Held (mechanical engineering 74; M.S. '76)--a veterinarian falls in love with the Baja Peninsula and a handsome engineer.
The publisher is iUniverse (2021 Pine Lake Rd., Ste. 100, Lincoln, NE 68512); www.iuniverse.com.
Third Right by Henry D. Smith (electrical engineering '56) is the story of murder and intrigue in the coalmining town of Eagle, W.Va.
The publisher is Pagefree Publishing Inc. (109 S. Farmer St., Otsego, MI 29078); www.pagefreepublishing.com.
How to Buy Cars & Trucks, Vans & SUV's at Wholesale Prices from Government Auctions by James Furr (architecture '79) reveals the best strategies for getting the best buys.
The publisher is Trafford Publishing (6E-2333 Government St., Victoria BC V8T 4P4 Canada); www.trafford.com/04-2075.
Featuring an array of expert advice, Investing in a Vacation Home for Pleasure and Profit by Virginia Commonwealth University Professor Emeritus James Boykin (business administration '59) takes the guesswork out of buying a second home.
The publisher is Thomson South-Western (5191 Natorp Blvd., Mason, OH 45040); www.swlearning.com.
Christmas's Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Kris Kringles, Merry Jingles, and Holiday Cheer by Kevin Cuddihy (communication '95) and Phillip Metcalfe features more than 40 top-10 lists about Christmas, including its traditions, movies, music, history, and more.
The publisher is Potomac Books Inc. (22841 Quicksilver Dr., Dulles, VA 20166); www.potomacbooksinc.com.
In The Breakthrough Battalion: Battles of Company C of the 133rd Infantry Regiment, Tunisia and Italy 1943-1945, Col. Richard F. "Dick" Wilkinson (forestry '42) recounts the World War II battles of the soldiers of the 34th Infantry "Red Bull" Division, which experienced more combat than any other American division.
The publisher is McNaughton & Gunn (960 Woodland Dr., Saline, MI 48176); www.bookprinters.com/index.html.
In While at Grandma's House, Gloria Hoover (housing, interior design, and restaurant management '90; M.Ed. curriculum and instruction '94) retells the Appalachian tales spun by her grandmother. Proceeds from the book's sale will benefit Auburn Middle School in Riner, Va., where Hoover teaches social studies.
The publisher is AuthorHouse (1663 Liberty Dr., Ste. 200, Bloomington, IN 47403); www.AuthorHouse.com.
In Diary of a Dream: My Journey in Thoroughbred Racing, attorney George Rowand (history '70) tells the story of his inspired but sometimes misguided quest to own winning racehorses.
The publisher is Eclipse Press (3101 Beaumont Centre Circle, Lexington, KY 40513); www.eclipsepress.com.