Summer 2016
On the cover: If you happened to be standing on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in late April, chances are that you heard "LET'S GO!" answered by "HOKIES!" a time or two. Photo courtesy of the New York Stock Exchange.
Editor's page
Around the Drillfield
Running for life
Rising junior and researcher Hannah Ricketts ran across the U.S. to honor the memory of a family friend.

A return
In college, Alumni Distinguished Professor of English Thomas Gardner (right) learned to let his writing and running coexist.

Corps of Cadets
Leader, Scholar
Citizen-Leader Track cadet Kristine Irene Mapili (far right) lives out her belief that "leadership is service, not position."

Are emojis a return to hieroglyphs?
Comparatively, the usefulness of emojis is limited, says English professor Joseph F. Eska, a linguistics expert.

The value of an athletic scholarship
A self-supporting auxiliary of the university, the athletics department receives no state funding, operating solely on donations and revenue.

Gifts enable students' ambitions
Rising senior Abigail Smith is among students benefiting from gifts that honor 1921 alumnus Fred D. Durham, namesake of Tech's Durham Hall.
Around the Drillfield
Still Life
Still Life
Precision pups
Precision pups
Dogs may look like sloppy drinkers, but their tongue movements are in fact precise movements that use inertia to optimize their ability to drink. Rapid tongue acceleration — to the tune of 2 to 4 Gs — is followed by tongue retraction, which draws water upward. The dog then bites down to capture the water. Researchers in Virginia Tech's Bio-Inspired Fluid Lab, which investigates practical applications that exploit the movement of fluids in living systems, filmed 19 dogs in the National Science Foundation-supported study. Full story →