120 years ago,
O.M. Stull (Class of 1896) first used the word "Hoki"
in a spirit yell he had written for a competition:
Hoki, Hoki, Hoki, Hy.
Techs, Techs, V.P.I.
Sola-Rex, Sola-Rah.
Polytechs - Vir-gin-ia.
Rae, Ri, V.P.I.

Cadet Dance Orchestra, 1896, Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute
From left, Edward A. Seapark, Frank C. Carper, Henry H. Hurt, Greenwood H. Nowlin Jr., J. Kent Harrison
Harry Downing Temple
Photograph Collection
80 years ago,
The first iteration of the HokieBird, then called the "Gobbler," debuted.

60 years ago,
Newman Library had just opened its doors. At the low-tech circulation desk, attendants stamped cards to track checked-out books.
43 years ago,
Virginia Tech became the first school in the country to admit female members to its Corps of Cadets. The women formed the all-female L Squadron.

By Kim Bassler '12, communications coordinator for University Libraries. Images are courtesy of the libraries' Special Collections; more can be found at imagebase.lib.vt.edu.