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Holtzman Hall

Become A Mentor

How we work and what we do is changing. Your career experience is valuable to current students, and sign- ing up to mentor makes a difference for young Hokies.

Hokie Mentorship Connect is our online platform where alumni can virtually volun- teer their time and expertise by mentoring undergraduate and graduate students.

Learn more at alumni.vt.edu/careers

Save The Dates

Join Us Online

Because of the risks large gatherings pose, alumni events will continue to be virtual. Now, Hokies from around the world can meet together without leaving home.

Here’s a look at what’s coming up. Registration is open! So make plans to log on and have some fun.

April 12-18

Black Alumni Reunion

Join us online for celebration and connection. Enjoy opportunities to network, connect with students, and celebrate with fellow Hokies. Learn more at alumni.vt.edu/bar.

May 19-21

Cornerstone Alumni Reunion

Hokies who graduated 50 or more years ago are Cornerstone Alumni. They are the foundation of the university and among Virginia Tech’s most engaged and passionate alumni. For details, go to alumni.vt.edu/cornerstone-reunion.

June 8-11

Reunion Weekend

We’re planning something special this year. We’ve got new ways for you to explore Virginia Tech and connect virtually. Want to know more? Visit alumni.vt.edu/reunion2021.

Oct. 15-16

Homecoming Weekend

Celebrate 150 years of Virginia Tech during a special Homecoming celebration.

For more information, including a complete listing of events, visit alumni.vt.edu/events.

Stay connected

Make sure the university has your up-to-date mailing address, phone number, and email address. You can easily check your information online and make updates. Visit alumni.vt.edu/contact.

You can also email your updates to alumnidata@vt.edu. Make sure you include your full name and class year in the email.