Christine Hirschberg Manfredo, ’09, Monroe, N.Y., had her Hokie family travel from Seattle, Richmond, and Boston to celebrate her wedding on July 8, 2017 (photo by Basia Ambroziak).

Behnaz Bonyadian, ’08, Washington, D.C., married Brian Akinyanju ’08 (photo by Jen Fariello).

Kristin Moreno Westover, ’08, and her husband, Matt welcomed their daughter, Kennedy Amelia, on May 15, 2017 (courtesy photo).

John “Chris” Flores ’07 and Molly Joy Flores ’07, West New York, N.J., welcomed a daughter, Sophie Marie, on May 21, 2017 (photo by John “Chris” Flores ‘07).

David Machaj ’07 and Erin Ricker Machaj ’08, Redmond, Wash., welcomed a daughter, Clara Leigh, on November 11, 2016 (photo by Erin Dupree Photography).