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Why Do You Think They Call Us Tech?
As Virginia Tech gains recognition for its use of educational technology, professors find innovative ways to maintain the human touch.
Pioneers in Microprocessor Technology
Twenty-five years ago, when the average computer took up more space than a professorial office, a engineering professor Peter Rony and graduate student Jon Titus began tinkering with microcomputers in ways that would make history.
A Creative Grief
When the boy everyone loved died of meningitis at 18, his hometown of Orange, Va., threw its grief into raising a scholarship in the name of Virginia Tech freshman Austin Fox.
From Turntables to the Titanic
Eric Lundberg '86 has pioneered a laser-based positioning system that has become a rising star in the industry and been used to design the set of the Titanic.
No Picnic
The student volunteer search and rescue squad trains hard and works hard in remote parts of the state.
Take a peek at some of the latest books by Virginia Tech faculty, staff, and alumni.
Short Features About Alumni