Prescribed Burn Gallery

Aerial view of the burn taken from a drone

A bulldozer was used to clear the fire line

A bulldozer was used to clear the fire line

Students Molly Hunt (left) and Emily Newcombe use leaf blowers to clear the fire line of any loose debris in advance of the prescribed burn

Student Emily Newcombe uses a drip torch to ignite brush along the established fire line

Fire crew members discuss potential ignition techniques prior to the burn

A test fire is ignited to determine potential impacts

Alumnus Johnny Vest (’15 natural resources conservation) of the Virginia Department of Forestry prepares for ignition using a drip torch

Initial ignition using a drip torch

Crew members patrol the fire line with shovels and rakes to ensure that no flames or embers escape the established perimeter

Dennis McCarthy (left) of the Virginia Department of Forestry advises student Emily Newcombe on techniques for igniting along the fire perimeter

Dennis McCarthy (left) of the Virginia Department of Forestry advises student Emily Newcombe on techniques for igniting along the fire perimeter

This burn was designed to maintain and improve wildlife habitat. The black and white ash seen in this photo serves as a supply of nutrients for regrowth of grasses and herbaceous plants

A predominant fuel source in deciduous forests is tree leaves and debris. These surface fuels are often reduced during prescribed burn operations, reducing potential wildfire hazard

During prescribed burn operations, weather conditions are monitored that may impact fire behavior and fire effects

Table mountain pine is a native upland species uniquely adapted to fire

Crew members stay on site long after the burn is over to ensure that all flames are extinguished and no burning embers remain

Crew members monitor large debris for smoldering even after the flames are extinguished

Adam Coates takes fuel moisture content samples prior to ignition

The pre-burn briefing, which includes task assignments and a review of safety measures, is a critical part of any prescribed burn
Around the Hokie Nation
- The Building Whisperer—Morgan Blackwood Patel—alumna profile
- Virginia Tech Is His Tribe—Rick Devens—alumnus profile
- Best in Class—Caroline Eschenbach—alumna profile
- Ringing In The Stanley Cup—alumni profile
- Mastering The Elements Of Style—Avery Sefcik—alumnus profile
- Fueling Carbon Consciousness—Ranjani Siriwardane—alumna profile
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