
Sandy Bass '12 with "The Price Is Right" host Drew Carey
"Come on down!"
So you want to be on a game show and chase the prospect of winning a boatload of cash or some other spectacular prize?
Chosen to "come on down" during the March 30 episode of "The Price Is Right," Sandy Bass (marketing management '12, theatre arts and cinema '12) offered a few pointers.
Because you'll have to complete paperwork and answer screening questions, Bass, a creative account coordinator at a social media studio in Los Angeles, suggested that you "go with a group, be yourself, and have fun. … I'm sure that the brief screening has something to do with who's selected."
Ever the Hokie, Bass, who ended up winning a designer jewelry set, added: "Oh, and if you have the opportunity to … be on TV, smile, enjoy the moment, and throw the 'VT' sign to the camera to show off your Hokie pride."
Oct 7, 2011: The "My Virginia Tech" video series aims to give an inside look at Virginia Tech through the words and experiences of students, faculty, and staff. In this video, meet Sandy, a super-involved double major in marketing management and theatre arts and cinema.

55 years ago,
construction began on Cassell Coliseum. Although the coliseum did not open until 1964, it was first used for a men's basketball game versus the University of Alabama in 1962.
80 years ago,
the "Quadrangle," now known as the Upper Quad, had tennis courts—and bonfires during pep rallies.
90 years ago,
female students created their own yearbook, The Tin Horn, because male students refused to allow females in The Bugle. The 1925 and 1929 issues of The Tin Horn were published by hand.
By Kim Bassler, communications coordinator for University Libraries. Images are courtesy of the libraries' Special Collections; many more can be found at

Leap of faith
"I took a leap of faith. I thought: What do I really love? Mountaineering and conservation. This is what I'm most passionate about. The world needs it. I went for it and never looked back."
Ginna Kelly (environmental policy and planning, political science '03) left her secure job as a lawyer to found Climb for Conservation, a nonprofit organization that uses mountain-climbs to raise money for conservation of some of the world's most-endangered animals. Kelly (pictured above, at far right) held her first climb in 2012, inviting 14 women to climb Tanzania's Mount Kilimanjaro to raise more than $32,000 to support the critically endangered African black rhinoceros. Since then, Kelly has organized climbs of Machu Picchu in Peru, Gran Paradiso in Italy, and Chimborazo in Ecuador, as well as another trek up Mount Kilimanjaro. Still ahead in 2015 are scheduled climbs up Machu Picchu, Aconcagua, and Kilimanjaro.