Alumni association officers begin terms
New alumni association officers have just begun one-year terms. Eddie F. Hearp (business administration '65), president of National Financial Services, Inc. in Roanoke, Va., is the new president. Gene A. James (animal science '53), retired president and CEO of Southern States Cooperative, is president-elect. David Lowe (business administration '63) is vice president.
Hearp, a former president of the Roanoke Val ley Alumni Chapter, is on the board of the Virginia Tech Athletic Fund and is a member of the Ut Prosim Society. He is a past president of the Renew Roanoke Campaign for Hotel Roanoke and is on the board of Valley Bank. He co-chaired the Roanoke Valley Regional Campaign for Virginia Tech.
James has been president of the Virginia Tech Foundation, director of the Leadership Council of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and director of the Virginia Tech Economic Development Council.
Lowe recently retired from the wireless/PCS market, where he helped direct the build-out of wireless networks in West Virginia. He retired as president and chief executive officer of Bell Atlantic-West Virginia, Inc. (formerly C&P Telephone of West Virginia) in 1995. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Foundation for Independent Higher Education and chairman of the West Virginia Council for Community and Economic Development.
Career services for alumni
Even after you leave campus, assistance from Career Services continues to be available to you. Through this office, alumni can post their resumes in an online database regularly accessed by employers; participate in career-related networking through VTCareerLink; and search through CareerSearch, a database of over a million organizations nationwide, for potential employers and contacts. There are also links to the university registrar for transcript ordering and information about graduate schools.
More information about these and other programs is available online at Career Services' webpage devoted to alumni: You can also contact Amy McPherson at Career Services in regard to alumni job searches.
Homecoming Events, October 6-7
Friday, October 6
Class of '50 Reception and Banquet, Donaldson Brown, 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 7
Alumni Open House, Squires Student Center, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Homecoming Parade, 10 a.m.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Reunion, 10:30 a.m.
College of Natural Resources Alumni Reception, 10:30 a.m.
College of Human Resources and Education Reunion with the College of Arts and Sciences Reunion, 10:30 a.m.
Virginia Tech vs. Temple, 1 p.m.
For more information about any alumni association item, please contact the Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Alumni Hall (0102), Blacksburg, VA 24061; phone 540/ 231-6285; fax 540/231-3039; e-mail
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