Virginia Tech Magazine
Alumni Association News
Spring 2009

Holtzman Alumni Center
The Alumni Association seeks your advice
PORTAL PAGE offers features
to welcome and serve alumni

Visit the Alumni Association's PORTAL PAGE for a number of helpful features for alumni. The site offers registration for class reunions and special programs online, including lodging reservations and reserving football tickets for reunion participants. Explore the VTAlumnNet website, which offers free online educational programs, or "knowledge units," as well as a wide range of fee-based courses.

Another online resource, the password-protected ALUMNI GATEWAY, allows you to update your address, phone number, and e-mail in your alumni record, and to request official transcripts. Keep your records current to receive the university's monthly electronic e-newsletter, the VTNetletter; alumni chapter announcements, invitations, and newsletters; special alumni event mailings; access to the Hokie Nation Network; and special news bulletins.

The Alumni Association uses mail and e-mail addresses only for official university and alumni association communications and does not sell alumni addresses to vendors or other organizations. Alumni may always choose to opt out of specific mailings, publications, or e-mail communications.

The Alumni Association invites nominations for the 2009-10 Outstanding Recent Alumni Awards, which recognize professional achievement and leadership by alumni who have graduated during the past 10 years (1999-09). Nominations are due by Aug. 15 and should be mailed to Outstanding Recent Alumni Awards, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Holtzman Alumni Center (0102), Blacksburg, VA 24061. Please include the candidates' biographical information and qualifications.

The Alumni Association is seeking nominations for its board of directors for the next three-year term, beginning in 2010. Nominations are due by June 1, 2009, and should be mailed to Alumni Board Nominations, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Holtzman Alumni Center (0102), Blacksburg, VA 24061. Please include each nominee's full name, class year, address, and specific qualifications for service on the board.

The Alumni Association is looking for nominations for the Multicultural Alumni Advisory Board, which represents the interests of multicultural alumni constituencies. The board works closely with the Alumni Association and the Office for Equity and Inclusion to assist with diversity initiatives and to strengthen alumni programs, admissions programs, and general networking among constituents. Send nominations to Multicultural Alumni Advisory Board, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Holtzman Alumni Center (0102), Blacksburg, VA 24061. Include nominee's biographical information and qualifications for board membership.

The Alumni Association is seeking nominations for its Humanitarian Award, presented to a former graduate who has performed exceptional service outside their profession or career. The scope of service should have been such that it has or had significant regional, national, or even international impact. Send nominations along with supporting documentation and descriptions of the service and its impact to Alumni Humanitarian Award, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Holtzman Alumni Center (0102), Blacksburg, VA 24061.

Holtzman Alumni Center at Virginia Tech
. Commentary

. Alumni Association 2009 Tours

. Hokie Nation Network

. Reunions: A look back at an exciting season

. Upcoming 2009 alumni events

. Multicultural Alumni Programs

. Celebrating alumni who exemplify Ut Prosim

. Virginia Tech Alumni chapter contacts

Virginia Tech