Alumni -|- We want to hear what you've been doing. Although we cannot print stories, obituaries, or photographs submitted to the magazine, your photos of alumni celebrations--weddings, births, anniversaries, birthdays, and other spirited occasions--can be included here in the magazine's online version.
Mail your photos to Virginia Tech Magazine, 105 Media Building, Blacksburg, VA 24061, or e-mail them to vtmag@vt.edu.
Mail your career, retirement, wedding, birth, and death news to Alumni Notes, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Holtzman Alumni Center, Blacksburg, VA 24061; e-mail it to fleets@vt.edu; or submit it online.
Because of the magazine's schedule, your news may not appear in print for several issues.
R. Bennett Crawford (BAD) received the 2007 AARP Andrus Award for Community Service.
Richard T. Crowder (AGEC) was inducted into Virginia Tech's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Hall of Fame.
Frederick R. Allen (CE) retired from North Carolina Aggregates Association and manages Allen Consulting Group.
Daniel M. Talbert (EE) retired after nearly 42 years as a systems engineer and program manager for Sandia National Laboratories.
Peter L. King (EE) formed a manufacturing engineering consulting firm, Lean Dynamics LLC.
Lea T. Townes (BAD) retired after 31 years as executive director of the Central Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program.
Hugh D. Fulcher (PHYS) completed his second book, The Clear Mind Procedure--Restructuring the Manic Brain for: Mind Healing, Mind Expansion, & Spiritual Development.
Robert S. Miller III (CE) was a guest speaker at the First Korean Professional Engineers Association National Conference.
William W. Reynolds (ME) is executive vice president of global asset consulting for R.W. Beck Inc.
Alex P. Schust Jr. (ASE) published two books, Gary Hollow and Coalwood (286 Prince Ln., Harwood, MD 20776).
John T. DeBell Sr. (CE) was inducted into the Virginia Tech Academy of Engineering Excellence.
Robert C. Luckner (CHE) retired from Exxon Mobil Corp. after 34 years.
Victor E. Sower (CHEM) co-authored a book, Benchmarking for Hospitals.
Leo A. Vecellio Jr. (CE) is chair of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association.
Ralph T. Rader (ME) was named one of Michigan's Super Lawyers by Law & Politics.
Russell H. Van Allen (CHE) retired from the Department of Defense after more than 34 years.
Dennis C. Cochrane (AOE) is the energy and sustainability coordinator at Virginia Tech.
Brenda J. Kibler (ENGL) is director of the Social Security Administration's Office of Electronic Communication.
John B. Webb (MKTG) retired from Verizon and, as an independent technician, established Webb Telecom Services.
W. Stephen Love (GBUS) is president and CEO of the Dallas-Ft. Worth Hospital Council.
Joseph E. DeYoung Jr. (PSYC) published the first issue of his own literary magazine, Peaks & Valleys, in November 2007.
John R. Shaffer (MGT) received the Robert Everidge Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Tour Association.
Michael F. Hochella Jr (GEOL) was named a Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
David L. May Jr. (ARCH) was inducted into the Southeastern Virginia Chapter Community Association Institute's Hall of Fame.
Carol N. Sykes (BIOL) is director of Child Nutrition Programs for Dare County Schools.
Ella D. Youngblood (BIOL) received the Silver Family Physician of the Year award for the Roanoke Valley.
Robert G. Adams (MKTG) is first vice president and president-elect on the board of directors of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations.
George Fellner (ARCH) was selected to present his project, "Geothermal Systems: An Alternative Strategy for Sustainability," at the American Institute of Architect's 2008 national convention.
Ellen Seay Young (COMM) received the 2006 R.E.B. Award for teaching excellence.
Thomas H. Boatner (FW), operations chief of the National Interagency Fire Center in Idaho, was featured on CBS's "60 Minutes."
Nancy B. Scalera (MKTG) opened a consignment boutique, B Chic.
Richard E. Lawhun (CE) is president and CEO of the American Concrete Pressure Pipe Association.
William S. Swecker Jr. (ANSC) is the large animal clinical sciences representative on the American Veterinary Medical Association's Council on Education.
June V. Windmuller (MKTG) was named 2007 Gilman Award winner for Henrico County, Va., Public Schools.
Robert K. Ax (PSYC) co-authored a book, Corrections, Mental Health, and Social Policy: International Perspectives.
James E. Blacken Jr. (BIOC) is a senior business solutions manager for IBM.
Paul J. Clarke (COMM) is a building systems supervisor for Poet Energy Co.
Brian R. Murphy (FSCI) received Virginia Tech's 2007 Edward S. Diggs Teaching Scholar Award.
R. Christopher Rosenthal (ACCT) is a board member of the National Coalition for Literacy and the secretary of the Appraisal Foundation Advisory Council.
Andrew J. Donaldson (CHEM) is a senior research chemist with Chemetall Foote Corp.
Joseph F. Klimavicz (FW) is the chief information officer and the director of high-performance computing and communications for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admistration.
William R. Burden (BIOC) performed the 10,000th surgery and his 10,000th career procedure at the Destin Surgery Center.
H. Scott Coombe (ME), who received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from The Catholic University of America, was named Army Materiel Command's 2007 Engineer of the Year.
Mark R. Koppersmith (ACCT) is vice president of Telco cost management at XO Communications.
Robert S. Lyman (PSCI) is a colonel in the U.S. Army.
Lynn Hoyt Morris (BIO) published a children's book, Don’t Eat Your Broccoli!
J. Kent Carpenter (CHE) received the Otto Haas Award for Technical Excellence from Rohm and Haas Co.
Christopher S. Mardis (MKTG) is a colonel in the U.S. Air Force.
Kenneth H. Moore Jr. (PSCI) received a master's degreee in strategic studies from the U.S. Army War College.
Stephen A. Bloch (MATH) received a four-year National Science Foundation grant to teach introductory computer programming.
Marie T. Christopher (EE) is an electronics engineer at the Adventure Science Center.
James B. Lackey (AOE) is principal deputy program manager for the Naval Air Systems Command.
Paul R. Bartal (MGT) is a project manager in the customer care division of Cox Communications.
David D. Dee Jr. (CE) was elected a governor of Region 4 of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
S. Daniel Fell (BIOL) is principal of Neathawk, Dubuque, & Packett in Chattanooga, Tenn.
G. Telfer (ME) is a senior project engineer and a development and technical leader for Draper Aden Associates.
Charlotte L. Anders (HRIM) is the director of the Virginia Tech Hampton Roads Center in Virginia Beach, Va.
Jon L. Powell (GEOL) is manager of surface geology at Newmont Mining Corp.
David R. Wise (POUL) earned the agribusiness and farm insurance specialist designation.
Douglas K. Clark (LASC) is in command of the Third Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment.
B.A. DeLancer (ARCH) is a business development manager with Kitchell CEM in Phoenix.
Robert T. Gordon (BMGT) is manager of human resources administrative services for American Electric Power.
Nancy M. Porter (HIDM) received the 2007 Southern Regional Excellence in Extension Award from the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges.
William L. Turner (FCD) received the Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellowship.
Christopher C. Brumm (PHED) is head coach of the girls' track team that won the 2007 Virginia High School League AAA state title.
Angela T. Glasscock (ANSC) is the animal facility operations manager at Integrated Laboratory Systems Inc.
Anthony M. Ditteaux (ARCH) is a partner with GLJ Partners Development Co.
Todd J. Scheerer (ME) is product line manager for GE Energy.
Carlton W. Hasle (HIST) received the Alfred A. Cunningham Award for his contributions to Marine Corps aviation.
Deanna M. Perez (SOC), who received a Ph.D. in criminology from the University of Maryland, is an assistant professor of public affairs at the University of Colorado-Denver.
Christopher A. Spillare (FIN) is vice president and treasurer for C&F Bank.
Allen D. Truell (EDVT) is a professor in the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management at Ball State University.
Caryn L. Gervasoni (MATH) is supervisor at the accounting firm of Grossberg Co. LLP.
Scott E. Leiffer (FW) is a licensed land surveyor in the state of Virginia.
Cynthia A. Whitbred-Spanoulis (PSCI) was among Inside Business magazine's "Top 40 under 40" for outstanding achievements in the community and business world.
Virginia H. Wolfe (MATH) is an instructional coordinator at Freedom Middle School.
Geoffrey M. Hall (CE) is chief of the pavement and geotechnical division of the Maryland State Highway Administration.
Sydney S. Murphy (COMM) is executive recruiter at AOL in Dulles, Va.
Frederick S. Proper (GEOL) is a project manager on the geotechnical team for Draper Aden Associates.
Lawrence E. Skelly III (ISE), the BCT signal officer for the First Brigade Combat Team in Iraq, served as a presidential communications officer at the White House for three years.
Chad R. Snyder (CHEM) was awarded the U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal.
Erik M. Verbeek (ME) is director of global support with Adobe Systems Inc.
Mary L. Williams (ARCH) is an experience director with Avenue A/Razorfish.
Nathan R. Butler (ARCH) is chair of the board for the Central Florida Builders Exchange.
Channing W. de Bordenave (BIOL) is the quality assurance manager at Coors Brewing Co.
Duane S. Osborne (CE) is a storage engineer in Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina's information technology department.
Anne K. Bazilwich (VM) is president and owner of Grand Isle Veterinary Hospital in Vermont.
Todd S. Bovenizer (BIOL) is a board-certified orthodontist.
Matthew S. Cosner (ECON) is a program manager for airborne anti-submarine warfare systems.
Latorial Faison (ENGL), an English instructor for DeVry University, published her fourth book, 28 Days of Poetry Celebrating Black History, Vol. 2.
Maria P. Herring (HTM) received the Sam Gilmer Supplier of the Year Award from the Society of Government Meeting Professionals.
Robert R. Meadows (EDAD) was conferred the title of state 4-H director emeritus by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
James P. O'Connell Jr. (BIOC), a senior associate with Safeguard Scientifics, received an M.B.A. from the Wharton School and is a member of the Kauffman Fellows program.
Richard C. Lucente (ARCH) is an intern architect for The Freelon Group Architects.
David F. McBagonluri-Nuuri (EM) received the Most Promising Award at the Black Engineer of the Year awards.
Tanea T. Reed (BIOC) earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Kentucky.
Shawn G. Talmadge (HNFE) is battalion chief of the fire-EMS department for Hanover County, Va.
Jerzy Zemajtis (CE) is manager of CTLGroup's materials consulting team.
Melissa L. Hobbs (BAD) is business development manager with General Dynamics Ordinance and Tactical Systems.
Donald S. Horsley (APSC) received the Outstanding Recent Alumnus award from Virginia Tech's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Andrew D. Lessner (CE) is a section manager in traffic engineering design for the Virginia Department of Transportation.
Scott D. Lippert (MSCI) holds a consulting position with McKinsey & Co.
Benjamin A. Sullivan (FIN) received an M.B.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Ryan Berry (FIN) is assistant vice president for BB&T's commercial lending division.
Linwood Blizzard II (CHE) is a professional licensed engineer in the state of Virginia.
Mary C. Clor (SYSE) received the 2007 Society of Women Engineers' Distinguished New Engineer Award for technical expertise and leadership in quality, manufacturing, program management, and product development.
Calvin C. Upton V (ACIS) is audit supervisor for PKF Texas, PC.
William B. Hubbard (MGT) is an associate attorney with Hubbard, Terry, & Kopcsak.
Ksenia S. Onufrieva (ENT) received the 2007 Henry and Sylvia Richardson Research Grant to advance the science of entomology.
Darrell K. Shomaker (PHIL) is a philosophy instructor of bioethics and critical thinking at Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Va.
Kimberly A. Bierenbaum (MGT) is an associate for Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein, LLP.
Eric G. Williams (ELPS) is director of the Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program at Virginia Tech.
Wai Lun Yim (ARCH) is working for Cannon Design.
Fuzhi Cheng (ECAG) is a research fellow for Virginia Tech's Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment.
Brett C. Kiser (GEOS) received the ninth annual Gold Watch Award from the William Preston Society.
Daniel G. Raphael (FIN) is corporate secretary/treasurer for North American Land Corp.
Kourtney T. Vaillancourt (HD) is an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Child Science at New Mexico State University.
Jeffrey S. Franklin (ARCH) designed and built a pavilion for the Town of Blacksburg's new skate park.
Miron Nawratil (ARCH) designed and built a pavilion for the Town of Blacksburg's new skate park.
Stuart H. Self (ACIS) is an associate in the health care practice for Clifton Gunderson.
'82 John P. Hodnett and '82 Geri Newman Weakley, 9/07.
'89 Aubrey V. Watts III and Susan R. Keith, 10/12/07.
'90 B.A. DeLancer and Irvin Golston, 10/21/07.
'90 James E. Topor and Simone Posehn, 10/25/07.
'91 Beth A. Duffy and Scott M. Cox, 11/10/07.
'91 Cynthia E. Roberts and Tony Brent Flesher, 8/8/07.
'92 Lisa M. Hoechest and Jason D. Dildine, 9/29/07.
'94 Lisa H. Olivera and Alex G. Olivera, 3/3/07.
'95 Kory C. Brendsel and Karin C. Myers, 10/12/07.
'96 Rebecca C. Eddins and Greg Eddins, 10/07.
'97 Anne K. Bazilwich and John J. Balkunas, 10/20/07.
'97 Ellen N. Lankey and '98 Christopher S. Childress, 10/13/07.
'97 Tia E. Roy and H. Paul Webster, 9/8/07.
'98 Holly A. MacDonald and Patrick Totuchek, 4/07.
'98 Anne Paige Morgan and '99 Gregory S. Vig, 10/6/07.
'98 Bryan T. Rowe and '00 Deborah Lynne Sticha, 9/22/07.
'99 Jodi Dew and '00 David P. Baxter, 10/6/07.
'99 Amanda Griffitts and '00 Arash Zarrabian, 7/21/07.
'99 Karen M. Hines and Blake Matthew Beyer, 8/25/07.
'99 Meredith J. O’Connor and John B. Wissel, 8/25/07.
'00 Howard R. Long III and Kathryn C. Nelson, 8/25/07.
'00 Virginia M. Ramsey and Charles D. Martin Jr., 9/29/07. '00 C. Eugene Skelton II and '02 Susanna L. Wohlford, 5/28/07.
'01 Jennifer M. Erling and '02 Ethan J. Kennedy, 7/14/07.
'01 Christina N. Hale and David Patrick Selfe, 8/11/07.
'01 Paul W. McDaniel and Melanie A. Grimes, 4/14/07.
'01 Kathryn E. Muller and Michael J. Italia, 9/29/07.
'01 Tara A. Seymore and Danny Mills, 6/23/07.
'01 Alison J. Taggi and Eban Pinto, 11/3/07.
'02 Bettina C. Agnor and Michael W. Soost, 5/19/07.
'02 Linwood Blizzard II and Joycelyn I. Bassette, 8/18/07.
'02 Kwang S. Han and '04 Eun Sim, 12/8/07.
'02 Jason R. Roller and Kendra Redmon, 10/6/07.
'03 Rachel A. Bass and Ryan J. Donovan, 12/16/06.
'03 William B. Hubbard and Christina Lynn Spring, 10/20/07.
'03 Adam S. Lissak and Jennifer Dreispul, 8/26/07.
'03 Heather A. Parks and James R. Turner, 12/15/07.
'03 Darrell K. Shomaker and Hope E. Weikel, 2/14/07.
'03 Eric L. Turpin and '05 Lindsay Booker, 8/11/07.
'03 Wendy J. Wagner and Gavin de Windt, 10/13/07.
'04 Ryan L. Ardigo and '04 Krysta Kerzner, 10/13/07.
'04 Megan Digges Arnold and '04 Patrick L. Standing III, 10/27/07.
'04 Angela M. Larson and David B. Reusch, 10/6/07.
'04 Nicholas J. Pascale and '05 Tara Deedy Zebrowski, 10/27/07.
'04 Angela N. Rossi and Wesley S. Davis, 11/10/07.
'04 Amber Kennetha Stewart and '06 David W. Humphries, 10/6/07.
'05 Brian S. Board and Alison G. Buracker, 7/21/07.
'05 Jeremy P. Hannon and Judy Hsiung, 9/27/07.
'06 Christopher P. Burns and '06 Alisa Mook, 7/14/07.
'06 Michael P. Fessler and '06 Jamie M. Ratajczak, 7/28/07.
'06 Timothy M. Gorski and Heather Tisch, 12/22/07.
'06 Joshua M. Smith and '07 Virginia A. Talley, 7/28/07.
'06 Meredith Stewart Sullivan and '06 John M. White, 7/28/07.
'06 Jeffery P. Wilson and '07 Megan Elizabeth Bradner, 11/17/07.
'87 Elaine M. Attridge, a daughter, 1/14/07.
'89 Susan S. Read, a daughter, 6/8/07.
'90 B.A. DeLancer, a daughter, 2/7/07.
'92 Caroline Boutwell and '94 Stephen L. Jackson, a daughter, 3/14/07.
'92 Jennifer H. Butera, a son, 7/4/07.
'92 Anthony M. Ditteaux, a son, 9/8/07.
'92 Leisl B. Edwards, a son, 8/26/07.
'92 Julie A. Kamienski, a son, 10/26/07.
'93 Melissa T. Barcellos and '94 David H. Forburger, a son, 10/2/07.
'93 Kelly Barton-Rhea and '94 Zane M. Rhea, a daughter, 4/2/07.
'93 Russell J. Bohart, a daughter, 3/7/07.
'93 Tara L. McPeak and '93 Barrett F. Warner, a son, 11/3/07.
'93 Dana C. Sutton, a daughter, 11/27/07.
'94 Tracy L. Foiles and '94 Charles H. Negus, a son, 5/6/07.
'94 Gregory S. Fowler, a daughter, 11/26/07.
'94 Joshua C. George, a son, 7/20/07.
'94 Suzanne H. Gerson and '95 Giuliano F. Salvo, a daughter, 11/27/06.
'94 Benjamin L. Huffman and '95 Andrea G. McCormac, a daughter, 8/17/07.
'94 Joanna B. Radcliffe, a son, 6/15/07.
'95 Amy K. Cropper and '95 Michael D. Cropper, a daughter, 10/15/07.
'95 Stacie S. Cutchins, a daughter, 10/5/07.
'95 Christine H. Fallon, a son, 10/1/07.
'95 Jason S. Fulmer and '97 Joanne C. Sarkuti, a son, 9/20/07.
'95 Julie M. Jordan, a daughter, 7/2/07.
'95 Karen O. Lannom, a son, 6/12/07.
'95 Laura A. Lew and '97 Christopher S. Kehde, a son, 10/8/07.
'95 Poppie N. McNierney, a son, 8/24/07.
'95 Julee L. Ozmore, a son, 10/28/07.
'95 Amy M. Robbins, a son, 5/17/07.
'96 Nicole S. Alvarez, a daughter, 1/31/07.
'96 Channing W. de Bordenave, a daughter, 2/11/07.
'96 Aaron J. Drazin, a son, 7/9/07.
'96 L. Janene Meldrum and '99 David L. Caylor, a daughter, 3/8/07.
'96 Jeffrey J. Sample and '01 Jennifer L. Warrenski, a daughter, 10/31/07.
'96 Anne M. Van Atta, a son, 7/10/07.
'96 Katrina B. Wagner, a son, 9/27/07.
'97 Jennifer B. Benton, a son, 8/10/07.
'97 Hillary E. Fredericks and '00 Todd A. Bullions, a son, 7/28/07.
'97 Karen N. Pengra, a son, 9/1/07.
'98 Heather L. Gentry and '98 Christopher S. Lawrence, a daughter, 12/5/07.
'98 Jodie S. Goldberg, a daughter, 10/15/07.
'98 Keith L. Hill and '03 Andrea J. Byrnside, a son, 10/23/07.
'98 Tina Waclawski Kahl, adopted daughter, 1/4/07.
'98 Stephanie S. Lake, a daughter, 10/3/07.
'98 Jennifer Miller and '98 Thomas F. Nicholson, a son, 9/19/07.
'98 Meaghan E. O’Brien, a daughter, 8/29/07.
'98 Rebbeca B. Ozmore, a son, 10/1/07.
'99 Steven M. Baker and '99 Tracy L. Tanner, a son, 6/29/07.
'99 Kristy L. Holland Call, a daughter, 4/14/06.
'99 Holly F. Cucuzzella, a son, 5/12/07.
'99 Jeffrey A. Holmes, a son, 12/12/07.
'99 Michael Manos and '00 Summer S. Stephens, a daughter, 2/19/07.
'99 Adam P. Ours and '00 Laura C. Bellis, a daughter, 11/15/07.
'99 Anne K. Tiburzi and '01 Jason A. Crismon, a daughter, 10/16/07.
'00 Priscilla M. Arthur, a daughter, 10/16/07.
'00 Derek L. Mitchell, a son, 5/2/07.
'00 Michael J. O’Connor and '00 Melissa N. Walborn, a son, 9/21/07.
'00 Aislin C. Reddin, a son, 10/4/07.
'00 Nathan A. Saucier, a daughter, 11/29/07.
'01 Andrea M. Bobik and '01 Adam L. Garland, twin girls, 9/20/07.
'01 Evan M. Thomas and '02 Bridgett Baker, a daughter, 11/2/07.
'01 Talayeh Williams and '01 Michael D. Witt, a daughter, 10/11/07.
'02 Adrienne H. Crisp and '03 Wayne T. Howlett, a son, 3/31/07.
'02 Erika M. Empting, a son, 12/10/07.
'02 Jessica K. Leonard and '03 Erik A. Seppala, a daughter, 10/26/07.
'02 Jason M. Pettrey and '02 Katherine D. Voorhies, a daughter, 10/19/07.
'02 Joseph M. Roan and '02 McKenzie E. Stephenson, a daughter, 5/21/07.
'02 Brian C. Robertson and '03 Alice L. Whitener, a daughter, 9/1/07.
'02 Jessica N. Swindell, a daughter, 12/29/07.
'02 Matthew A. Wright, a daughter, 12/10/07.
'03 Lori A. Bunnell and '04 Timothy D. Scheffler, a son, 8/8/07.
'03 Patrick F. Mish, a son, 11/15/07.
'03 Allison Shallock and '05 Andrew R. Thorne, a son, 10/30/07.
'31 Temple C. Moore, 11/13/07.
'33 Samuel H. Shrum, 11/22/07.
'34 George I. Earnest Jr., 11/20/07.
'34 J. Edward Kulm, 11/18/07.
'36 Edward G. Grigg, 12/23/07.
'37 Alex H. Shafer Jr., 12/12/07.
'37 Paul G. Thayer, 11/1/07.
'38 Alfred E. Knobler, 11/21/07.
'38 George A. Lee, 12/11/07.
'38 Walter J. Peters, 5/22/07.
'38 Walter H. Starr, 10/28/07.
'39 Louise H. Clarke, 10/14/07.
'39 Grace C. Robertson, 10/22/07.
'39 William E. Yost
'40 Frederick J. Wilson, 12/4/07.
'41 James H. Hammack, 10/25/07.
'41 Alice S. Leonards, 10/31/07.
'41 Robert J. Meador, 10/23/07.
'41 Sam B. Rose Jr., 10/31/07.
'41 L.C. Tait, 12/27/07.
'42 John G. Evans Jr., 12/7/07.
'42 William F. Joachim Jr., 10/3/07.
'42 E.E. Jones Jr., 10/11/07.
'42 William A. Manson Sr., 12/10/07.
'43 Alton H. Belcher, 10/5/07.
'43 J. Glenn Brown, 12/12/07.
'43 John R. Cawthon, 11/20/07.
'43 Donald Mohler, 11/1/07.
'43 Harry O. Nicodemus, 11/30/07.
'43 Richard S. Thomas Jr., 10/7/07.
'44 Kenneth S. Bush, 10/31/07.
'44 W.T. Camm, 3/16/07.
'44 Hugh C. Fisher, 12/11/07.
'44 C.S. McCutchen, 11/20/07.
'44 James Sharp II, 11/9/07.
'44 William C. Staples Jr., 11/5/07.
'44 Robert P. Stryker, 10/13/07.
'44 Richard C. Timberlake, 10/24/07.
'44 Richard N. Weibel Jr., 10/28/07.
'45 Robert W. Bundy, 10/17/07.
'45 Wallace C. Cheatham, 12/30/07.
'45 John B. Leonard, 11/8/07.
'46 Charles S. Clark Jr., 3/30/07.
'46 Charles H. Coleman, 12/5/07.
'46 Oscar L. Emerick Jr., 2/9/07.
'46 George K. Hawkins, 10/16/07.
'46 Warren A. Ramey Jr., 11/4/07.
'47 Thomas L. Largen, 11/27/07.
'47 James R. MacNeil, 10/30/07.
'47 Harry D. Shepard Jr., 11/23/07.
'48 G. Boyce Jordan, 11/16/06.
'49 Raymond Z. Clifton, 2/14/07.
'49 Bruce F. King, 7/30/07.
'49 William C. McIntosh, 12/9/07.
'49 J. Allen Tyler, 12/31/07.
'50 Allen H. Allison, 11/10/07.
'50 Dallas V. Cranford, 10/20/07.
'50 Woodrow H. Joyner, 12/1/07.
'50 Virginia T. Linthicum, 12/21/07.
'50 David C. Stevens, 10/17/07.
'50 Charles W. Tatum, 11/16/07.
'50 Louis H. Trigg, 11/4/07.
'50 Margaret H. Ward, 11/13/07.
'51 P.H. Dirom Jr., 11/12/07.
'51 Frank V. Lane, 10/11/07.
'51 William H. Riley, 11/29/07.
'51 William H. Turner, 11/21/07.
'52 Ernest L. Andrews III, 10/9/07.
'52 Donald M. Cochran, 7/8/07.
'53 J.J. Harmon Jr., 11/23/07.
'53 Howard B. Sivils Jr., 12/7/07.
'55 Richard F. Carson, 10/1/07.
'55 Ronald A. O’Connor, 1/5/07.
'57 Fred L. Williams, 11/24/07.
'58 R.H. Harper, 12/2/07.
'58 Richard G. Luttrell, 10/8/07.
'59 C. Graham Coleman Jr., 10/26/07.
'59 Augustus W. Cummings Jr., 10/20/07.
'60 Richard G. Connell Jr., 11/7/07.
'61 Donald E. Burgess, 11/10/07.
'61 Gerald J. Kunter, 10/14/07.
'61 W. Barry Lisagor, 11/28/07.
'61 Michael A. Ruddo, 12/16/07.
'61 Robert D. Sibold
'62 Theodora A. Welsko, 2/1/07.
'62 R. Thomas Williams, 11/13/07.
'63 Thomas M. Cragg, 10/24/07.
'63 James H. Fitch, 12/12/07.
'63 Earl W. Jones, 11/4/07.
'64 Edwin A. Bullard, 10/12/07.
'64 Howard L. Wright Jr., 10/6/07.
'65 Cary P. Harwood, 10/11/07.
'66 James Hoge Jr., 11/20/07.
'66 Gary T. Laing, 11/6/07.
'67 William A. Parker, 12/6/07.
'67 Alan G. Pettigrew Jr., 10/18/07.
'67 David E. Weber, 3/31/07.
'67 Edward G. Wilbourn, 11/10/07.
'70 W.S. Burnley III, 12/15/07.
'70 Larry S. Strager, 11/28/07.
'71 John L. Hostinsky Jr., 12/15/07.
'71 Kenneth H. Moore Jr., 3/2/07.
'71 Edwin L. Rumpf II, 11/3/07.
'72 Lawrence H. Bryant, 10/19/07.
'72 James F. Hibbs, 10/31/07.
'72 Gaston M. Jacobs III, 4/21/07.
'73 Berkeley B. Cundiff Jr., 12/15/07.
'73 William D. Moore, 11/6/07.
'75 William Whesdos, 10/12/07.
'77 Leroy A. Hill, 12/14/07.
'77 Rosemary D. Robinson, 10/22/07.
'78 Rickey L. Nelson, 11/13/07.
'78 Bryant A. Woodle, 11/28/07.
'80 Ruth I. Harris, 12/26/06.
'80 Rhonda H. Rakes, 11/3/07.
'82 Gary R. Rowell, 12/9/07.
'82 Robert A. Wolf, 10/19/07.
'83 Earl A. Travis, 12/3/07.
'84 Nhury Schurig, 11/4/07.
'86 Peter C. Sherertz, 10/26/07.
'87 Kent Barley Jr., 10/8/07.
'91 Jennifer S. Davidson, 12/1/07.
'95 Bernadette R. Basham, 10/10/07.
'97 Derek M. Drummond, 11/5/07.
'97 Gayle A. Lewis, 12/18/07.
'98 Gary P. Upshaw, 10/29/07.
'04 Henry J. Dillow, 10/18/07.
'05 Elizabeth Friedel, 10/5/07.
Your thesis or dissertation could reach a wide audience
Those who have followed the evolution of the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) project know that Virginia Tech has been at the forefront in creating the worldwide interlinked academic communities represented in the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). With more than 10,000 ETDs, not including those submitted by spring 2008 graduates, the Virginia Tech database remains a proud contributor to the movement to preserve and provide access to scholarly communication in all of its facets.
Yet theses or dissertations completed before 1997 have been left out of such academic communities, largely invisible to the growing numbers of students who commonly use the Internet for their research--until now.
University Libraries is now scanning bound theses and dissertations and making them available online to current members of the Virginia Tech community. If you want your Virginia Tech thesis or dissertation to be part of this database and accessible outside the university, you need to formally grant permission for the library to make it publicly accessible in the ETD database.
Please contact the Digital Library and Archives at BTD_permissions@vt.edu or at BTD Permissions, Digital Library and Archives, Virginia Tech, P.O. Box 90001, Blacksburg, VA 24062-9001. Your letter or e-mail should include your name, the title of your thesis or dissertation, your graduation year, and the following statement: "I hereby grant to Virginia Tech a non-exclusive license to release my (choose one) thesis/dissertation for worldwide access."
To browse Virginia Tech's ETDs, go to http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses or search Addison (http://addison.vt.edu), the library's online catalog. You will find links to scanned and born-digital theses and dissertations.