Outstanding Recent Alumni Award nominations
The Alumni Association invites nominations for the 2006-07 Outstanding Recent Alumni Awards, which recognize professional achievement and leadership by alumni who have graduated during the past 10 years (1996-2005). Nominations are due by Aug. 15 and should be mailed to Outstanding Recent Alumni Awards, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Please include the candidates' biographical information and qualifications.
Alumni Board nominations for 2007-10
The Alumni Association is seeking nominations for its board of directors for the next three-year term, beginning in 2007. Nominations are due by June 1, 2006, and should be mailed to Alumni Board Nominations, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Please include each nominee's full name, class year, address, and specific qualifications for service on the board.
Alumni Directory coming this fall
The 2006 edition of the Alumni Directory will be published later this year. The directory--produced every four years--provides a comprehensive update of alumni information and is available exclusively for alumni to purchase in soft or hardback and on CD. Alumni are being contacted by mail, e-mail, and telephone so they can verify listing information and place orders for the directory. Visit www.alumni.vt.edu for more details.
Summer Around the Drillfield
A long-time favorite event for alumni, friends, and families, Summer Around the Drillfield returns June 22-25 with a focus on a topic that is already affecting our everyday lives: nanotechnology. Experts in this exciting field will lead discussions ranging from the definition of nanotechnology to the potential social, economic, and environmental impacts on our lives.