Alumni Association Annual Report 2009-10
Student programs bridge the gap
Student Alumni Associates (SAA) and the Class System, two active and respected organizations, foster traditions designed to bond students more closely to the university. SAA accepted 34 new members through its annual recruitment for 2010. As part of the student transition program, a speaker series meant to prepare seniors for life after graduation was offered during the spring semester. The Class of 2011 had record attendance of more than 2,000 at the Ring Dance, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the class ring.
Alumni chapters and clubs connect with students
Chapters and clubs across the country host annual student send-off events for current and incoming students and often remain in touch with students throughout the year by inviting them to tailgates, providing care packages during exam time, and including them in other events, such as holiday gatherings and summer picnics.
Raising scholarship money through chapters
Alumni chapters raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to assist students with educational costs. In 2009-10, 58 alumni chapters awarded 164 freshman scholarships totaling $187,600. In addition, the association has a scholarship endowment of about $2 million, which provides annual scholarship support for University Honors students.
Honoring the best
The association recognizes Virginia Tech's top teachers with its Faculty Excellence Awards for teaching, research, advising, outreach, and extension, and for international education, outreach, and research. Sixteen faculty members were honored in 2009–10 with cash stipends of $2,000 each. An endowment was created in 1972 by the association to provide support for professorships; the Alumni Distinguished Professorship is one of the university's highest honors.
Faculty featured in alumni programming
Professors regularly visit alumni chapters. In addition, faculty and administrators speak at reunions, constituency homecomings, and other special events.
Alumni advocacy events
Hokies for Higher Education is the legislative advocacy group for Virginia Tech, providing vocal backing on issues of importance to the university and to higher education by cultivating support among elected officials. Alumni members of the General Assembly were hosted at a breakfast in Richmond, and the 12th annual Hokie Day at the General Assembly in the state capitol attracted the highest number of participants to date, with 105 alumni and students visiting legislators. Chapters also invited legislators to their functions during the months when the legislature was not in session.
Alumni Board of Directors
Twice a year, members of the Alumni Board of Directors gather to review and approve operating expenses for the association, evaluate progress in accomplishing annual goals and strategies, ensure strong financial and administrative management, and develop future initiatives. The board is comprised of 30 members elected by the association’s active members.
Chapter Officers Leadership Forum
The Chapter Officers Leadership Forum each fall provides an opportunity for alumni chapter volunteers to return to campus for special workshops, to hear updates on the Alumni Association and the university, and to meet other chapter officers. About 180 participants from 43 alumni chapters attended the 2009 program, which focused on engaging alumni across generations. A chapter officer training webinar was held in January with more than 30 chapter volunteers joining in. Teleconferences for chapter leaders scheduled throughout the year featured special topics or open forums.
Ut Prosim
The Hokie Nation Serves initiative encourages all members of the Hokie Nation to commit to service hours beyond normal commitments, especially during the month of April. The Ut Prosim Update, a newsletter designed to keep alumni informed of community service projects that involve our alumni, students, faculty, and staff, was introduced in December 2009.
Outstanding volunteerism
Forty-nine alumni chapters participated in more than 100 community service activities in the past year, including HokieBird Fights Hunger, Virginia Techforlife blood drives, and Adopt-a-Highway cleanups. Unique projects included a Ryan Clark Scholarship and Community Service Award benefit; a beach cleanup; and baking for the Ronald McDonald House. In addition, at the fall Chapter Officers Leadership Forum, chapter volunteers joined their local scholarship recipients in making more than 100 hats for children with cancer. On New Year’s Eve, more than 20 alumni volunteers worked at the Atlanta Union Mission shelter in association with the Tech bowl game in Atlanta.
Alumni tours
The Alumni Association sponsors group travel opportunities, often at substantial savings over the price of private tours, to exciting destinations worldwide. In 2009–10, 17 tours gave 163 Hokies the opportunity to visit places around the globe, including popular tours to Italy and Ireland and a Mediterranean cruise. Tours are professionally guided to take much of the hassle out of travel. Additionally, 54 new graduates traveled abroad on the Essential Europe tour.
Alumni awards
Since 1972, the association has honored more than 100 alumni for achievements in their careers and service to the Alumni Association, Virginia Tech, and their communities with the Alumni Distinguished Service Award. Each year, the association recognizes one individual with the Graduate Alumni Achievement Award, eight alumni from each college with the Outstanding Recent Alumni Award, eight students from each college with the Outstanding Senior Award, and two graduate students with teaching and service awards. A Humanitarian Award is occasionally presented to deserving alumni who have had a profound humanitarian impact on the lives of others.
Holtzman Alumni Center
The Holtzman Alumni Center opened in 2005. Its Alumni Gallery provides space for receptions and features rotating art exhibits by alumni and local artists. The Alumni Museum displays memorabilia that depict the university’s rich history. The Alumni Library has a collection of university publications and yearbooks, and volumes authored by Tech alumni. Numerous events were held at the Holtzman Alumni Center and the Alumni Terrace, including graduate fairs, an open house for students, an alumni open house during Homecoming weekend, a graduation bash for seniors, and a wine festival.
Reunions, homecomings, and special events
In the fall, the Alumni Association enjoyed a successful reunion season. More than 2,550 alumni attended six class reunion weekends, seven college homecomings, a corps of cadets homecoming, a multicultural alumni reunion, and a Graduate School homecoming. The annual Old Guard reunion was attended by 180 members of the classes of '36 through '58. Nearly 645 alumni and friends attended other special events. More than 380 alumni and friends attended educational and special events, such as Summer Around the Drillfield, Civil War Weekend, and A Day in the Life of College Admissions.
Alumni Association presence in Virginia Tech Magazine and online
Beginning in fall 2008, the Alma Mater, formerly published by the Alumni Association, merged into the Virginia Tech Magazine with a devoted Alumni Association section in each issue. The association pages provide news regarding upcoming or recent programs, with occasional features on trends or topics of broad appeal. The association also expanded its communication network over the past year through Hokie Nation Network, Facebook, and Twitter.