William H. Ruffner Medal
James B. Jones '44
As a student, James B. "J.B." Jones (mechanical engineering '44) already was a leader, serving as a member of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Regimental Band and the German Club, an Honor Court judge, editor of the student newspaper The Virginia Tech, as well as being affiliated with other social and honor societies.
After graduation, Jones worked with the U.S. Department of War and earned a master's degree and Ph.D. from Purdue University. He taught at Purdue from 1945 to 1964, earning a Best Teacher Award. Jones returned to Virginia Tech in 1964 to teach in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and was named the Lingan S. Randolph Professor of Mechanical Engineering and served as department head for 19 years.
Jones and his wife, Jane (aerospace engineering '45), have supported several university programs and initiatives, including the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, the College of Engineering, and the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. They are also members of the Ut Prosim Society, the university's most prestigious donor society.
James B. "J.B." Jones |
Alumni Distinguished Service Award winners |
Kimble "Jay" Reynolds Jr.
Kimble "Jay" Reynolds Jr. (marketing management '88; M.S. health and physical education '95) was elected to serve as mayor of Martinsville, Va., in July 2006 after serving as a city council member and vice mayor. Reynolds, who holds a juris doctorate from the Washington and Lee University School of Law, is also an attorney with a private practice in Martinsville.
An active member of the Virginia Tech community, Reynolds currently serves on the Pamplin Advisory Council and the Multicultural Alumni Advisory Board, is past president of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, served on the Alumni Center National Leadership Campaign Committee, and is past president of the Martinsville Alumni Chapter. Reynolds also has been a strong advocate for Virginia Tech and higher education through the Hokies for Higher Education network.
His community activities include serving on the boards of SunTrust Bank, United Way, and the West Piedmont Planning District Commission. Additionally, Reynolds was appointed as a trustee for the Virginia Museum of National History by then-Gov. Mark Warner and was appointed by Gov. Tim Kaine to the New College Institute Board of Directors. His strong commitment to diversity led Reynolds to found the Diversity and Conflict Resolution Program in 1998 to promote understanding of people with diverse backgrounds. As director, he has worked to expose high school students to college and to promote self-awareness, the appreciation of social and cultural differences, and the development of conflict-resolution skills.
Kimble Reynolds Jr. |
Nancy Bowman Sauer
Nancy Bowman Sauer (industrial engineering and operations research '84) is co-owner and president of D2Xchange LLC, a full-service data and document management company based in Greenwood Village, Colo. Sauer, who holds a master's in business administration from The College of William and Mary, has more than 20 years of business experience leading the sales, product management, and operations efforts of firms ranging from large, multinational entities to entrepreneurial start-ups, as well as in assisting organizations to run more efficiently and work across departments.
Maintaining a strong commitment to Virginia Tech, Sauer has contributed to the growth of the Denver alumni chapter, including serving as president for five years. She is a former chair and current member of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Board and serves on the Engineering Education Advisory Board. Instrumental in the planning and development of the Residential Leadership Community, Sauer serves on the Residential Leadership Advisory Board. Additionally, she has served as president of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and on the Engineering Advisory Committee, the Engineering Committee of 100, the Alumni Center National Leadership Campaign Committee, and the Regional Campaign Committee.
Her commitment to education extends beyond Virginia Tech; Sauer serves on the board of directors for KidsTek, a nonprofit dedicated to closing the technology gap for underserved K-12 students in Colorado.
Nancy Bowman Sauer |
University Distinguished Achievement Award |
Gene James
Gene James (animal science '53) received the 2008 University Distinguished Achievement Award in recognition of his distinguished personal and professional accomplishments.
As an undergraduate at Virginia Tech, James served as a member of the corps of cadets, the Virginia Tech golf team, the Block and Bridle Club, Phi Sigma Biological Society, and the Monogram Club.
James had a successful career of more than 43 years with Southern States Cooperative. His leadership opportunities increased throughout his career from management trainee to president and chief executive officer. He led the company from 1980 until he retired in 1997.
James also has served his community in many capacities, including as a member of the Governor's Virginia Agricultural Credit Committee, chairman of the board of CF Industries Inc., chairman of the board of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, a longtime board member and chairman of Virginia United Methodist Homes Inc., chairman and board member of the National Institute of Cooperative Education, vice president of the Metro Richmond Chamber of Commerce, a board member of Metro Richmond YMCA, a board member of Farm Credit Leasing Corporation Inc., and a longtime board member of Crestar Financial Corporation Inc.
James' service to Virginia Tech has been just as extensive. He has served on the Virginia Tech Foundation Board of Directors as its chairman and as a member of its executive committee and on the Virginia Tech Alumni Board of Directors as a member and its president. He has also served on the university's Economic Development Council, the Leadership Council of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Campaign Steering Committee, the Alumni Center National Leadership Campaign Committee, the Class of 1953 Reunion Committee, and as part of the Hokies for Higher Education network.
James's generosity to Virginia Tech has earned him recognition as a Benefactor in the Ut Prosim Society. Along with his wife, Ina Mae, he has created an endowed graduate scholarship for students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and has supported the corps of cadets, the Holtzman Alumni and Skelton Conference Centers, Intercollegiate Athletics, and the Alumni Association.
Gene James |
Alumni Award for Outreach Excellence
E. Thomas Ewing, associate professor of history
Alumni Award for Team Outreach Excellence
Terri Fisher, outreach coordinator, Community Design Assistance Center
Elizabeth Gilboy, director, Community Design Assistance Center
Maxine Lyons, office manager, Community Design Assistance Center
Kim Steika, landscape architecture project coordinator, Community Design Assistance Center
Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching
O. Hayden Griffin Jr., department head and professor, engineering education
Jill Sible, associate professor of biological sciences
Alumni Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising
Charles Taylor, professor of political science
Alumni Award for Excellence in Graduate Academic Advising
Kusum Singh, professor of educational research and evaluation
William E. Wine Award
Jeannine Eddleton, instructor of chemistry
Robert McDuffie, associate professor of horticulture
J.D. Stahl, professor of English
Alumni Award for Excellence in International Education
Devi Gnyawali, associate professor of strategic management
Alumni Award for Excellence in International Outreach
Glenda Snyder, unit coordinator and Extension agent, 4H Youth Development, Botetourt County Extension Office
Alumni Award for Excellence in International Research
John Browder, associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies and professor of urban and regional planning
Alumni Award for Excellence in Research
S. Ted Oyama, Fred W. Bull Professor of Chemical Engineering
Xiang-Jin Meng, professor of molecular virology, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Alumni Award for Excellence in Extension
James Orband, unit coordinator and Extension agent, York County Extension Office
Roger Youngman, professor of entomology and Extension specialist
Graduate Student Awards
Patricia Boyles, business management (Teaching Award)
Elise Drake, psychology (Teaching Commendation)
Christopher Strock, civil engineering (Service Award)
Joseph McFadden, dairy science (Service Commendation)
Graduate Alumni Achievement Award
Mitchell A. Byrd '49, '54, fisheries and wildlife
Outstanding Student Awards
Class of 2008 graduates who were recognized by the Alumni Association for scholarship and leadership:
Phillip Chong, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Andrew Valentine, College of Architecture and Urban Studies
Tatiana Mishina, Pamplin College of Business
Sherri Cook, College of Engineering
Carolyn Barnes, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Christopher Fields-Johnson, College of Natural Resources
Christine George, College of Science
Jesse Fallon, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Outstanding Recent Alumni Awards
Graduates from each college, completing degrees in the past 10 years, who have distinguished themselves professionally:
Lara A. Pappas '02, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
David Eichelberger '00, College of Architecture and Urban Studies
Brian Slingerland '00, Pamplin College of Business
Celine A. Mahieux '96, '99, College of Engineering
Rebecca Brittain '97, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Scott Barrett '98, College of Natural Resources
Kerri Cahill '03*, College of Natural Resources
Adrienne Hoffman '98, College of Science
David Janicke '01*, College of Science
Jennifer H. McQuiston '97, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
* graduate degrees