Book Notes
Virginia Tech Magazine is happy to note books by alumni, faculty, and staff or books about Virginia Tech. Review copies should be mailed to Book Notes, Virginia Tech Magazine, 105 Media Building (0109), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
Books submitted to Virginia Tech Magazine will be donated to the library in The Grove -- home of President and Mrs. Charles W. Steger -- unless authors specifically request their return. Faculty, staff, and alumni wanting to contribute other books they have written should mail the books directly to The Grove (0446), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
Urban Studies
In Atlanta: Race, Class, and Urban Expansion, Larry Keating (architecture '60; M.Arch '69) analyzes the city’s growth and economic policies to reveal its inequalities as one of the most segregated regions in the country.
The publisher is Temple University Press (1601 N. Broad St., 306 USB, Philadelphia, PA 19122);
Coal Camps, Tipples, and Mines--Pictorial History of the Stonega Coke and Coal Company's Operations in Wise County, Virginia, by Ed Wolfe (geology '72; M.S. '76) contains a history and nearly 250 photographs of the county's coal camps, mining operations, and towns.
Self-published with HEW Enterprises (116 Oakview Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15218);
Edited by William A. Fox (mechanical engineering '65 ), the expanded edition of Chesapeake Sailing Craft, Recollections of Robert H. Burgess brings back into print Burgess' 236 photographs from 1925 to 1975, plus 150 additional images, depicting Chesapeake Bay sailing craft.
The publisher is Cornell Maritime Press (P.O. Box 456, Centreville, MD 21617);
In Loving Mountains, Loving Men, Assistant Professor of English Jeff Mann explores in prose and poetry his identity as both an Appalachian native and a gay man.
The publisher is Ohio University Press (19 Circle Dr., The Ridges, Athens, OH 45701);
We Remember WWII by Ralph Riffenburgh (biology '43) presents a range of World War II memories, gathered from more than 80 residents of a California retirement community.
Self-published with RoseDog Books (701 Smithfield St., Third Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222);
Edited by Liberty University Associate Professor of History David L. Snead (history '90; M.A. '91), In Hostile Skies: An American B-24 Pilot in World War II by former Air Force pilot James M. Davis recounts his more than 30 missions as part of the 8th Air Force in the European theater.
The publisher is University of North Texas Press (P.O. Box 311336, Denton, TX 76203-1336);
An American Soldier in World War I, edited by David L. Snead (history '90; M.A. '91), collects more than 100 letters written by civil engineer George Browne to his fiancée, revealing the soldier's day-to-day life in the European theater.
The publisher is the University of Nebraska Press (1111 Lincoln Mall, Lincoln, NE 68588);
Edited by Tarlton E. Woods (mechanical engineering '60), March of Death! An American Soldier's 1,216 Days as a P.O.W. of the Japanese tells the epic story of the survival of Army Air Corps Sgt. Hayne W. Dominick Jr. during World War II.
Self-published with Honoribus Press (P.O. Box 4872, Spartanburg, SC 29305).
Literary Studies
Edited by Albert J. DeFazio III (English '83; M.A. '85), Dear Papa, Dear Hotch: The Correspondence of Ernest Hemingway and A.E. Hotchner presents more than 160 letters, cables, and cards composed between 1948 and 1961.
The publisher is the University of Missouri Press (2910 LeMone Blvd., Columbia, MO 65201);
For young adult readers, The Treasure of Tampa Bay by Col. Joseph F. Reich (political science '75; M.A. '77) weaves real events into a fictional storyline to present 500 years of Tampa Bay history. For more information, visit
Self-published with PublishAmerica (P.O. Box 151, Frederick, MD 21705).
In Murder at the Rolls Club by optometrist and Rolls-Royce enthusiast Jennifer J. Malpass (French '73)--who owns a 1960 Silver Cloud II--club members investigate the murder of their suave, affable leader, John Percy.
Self-published with Xlibris Corp. (International Plaza II, Ste. 340, Philadelphia, PA 19113);
In Massanutten Mansion by Sandra Laughon Bost (health and physical education '73), a young woman searches for direction in her life.
Self-published with Xulon Press (2180 W. State Rd. 434, Ste. 2140, Longwood, FL 32779);
In Searching, a collection of 52 columns written for the periodical American Laboratory, Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science and Mechanics Daniel J. Schneck draws from his diverse background in engineering, music, medicine, and law to explore the fundamental principles that ensure a satisfying life.
The publisher is International Scientific Communications Inc.;
Click Click, Who’s Really There? by Lisa Koh Herlong (education '82) instructs Web users how to protect themselves and their children from online predators, pedophiles, and privacy loss.
Self-published with LHK Publishing LLC (P.O. Box 473312, Charlotte, NC 28247);
A comprehensive instructional text, The Self-Coached Climber: The Guide to Movement Training Performance by expert coaches Dan Hague (forestry and wildlife '79) and Douglas Hunter features 52 practical training exercises, anatomical illustrations, and a DVD of live demonstrations.
The publisher is Stackpole Books (5067 Ritter Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055);
Concrete Structures by Mehdi Setareh, associate professor of architecture and adjunct professor of civil engineering, and Robert M. Darvas provides technical information, along with a CD-ROM, on the design and construction of concrete structures.
The publisher is Pearson Education (One Lake St. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458);
Every two years, attorney Joseph Pippen (economics '69) releases an updated edition of Ask an Attorney All About Florida Law, which discusses the state's latest estate planning, trusts, probate, Medicaid, and tax procedures. The 12th edition is now available.
Self-published with Peartree Books (P.O. Box 14533, Clearwater, FL 33766);
Fit for SCUBA by professional divers and instructors Jessica B. Adams (health and physical education '98) and Jaime B. Adams (health and physical education '98) is a strength and conditioning guide for scuba divers.
Self-published with Infinity Publishing (094 New Dehaven St., Ste. 100, West Conshohocken, PA 19428);
Live Your Dreams: Let Reality Catch Up by Roger Ellerton (Ph.D. statistics '73) offers tips and insights to help readers live well.
Self-published with Trafford Publishing (6E-2333 Government St., Victoria, BC, Canada V8T 4P4);
Assembled at the request of friends and family, the poetry collection Holidays, Nature, and Other Rhymes by Korean War veteran and retired engineer Paul F. Cecchini (civil engineering '49) explores the joys and pains of life.
Self-published with Dorrance Publishing Co. Inc. (701 Smithfield St., Third Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222);
The extensively revised second edition of The Geopolitics Reader, edited by Gerard Toal, associate professor of government and international affairs, draws together the most important political, geographical, historical, and sociological readings of geopolitics in the early 21st century.
The publisher is Routledge (270 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016);
Written by Cheryl and Head Football Coach Frank Beamer (secondary education '69), Yea, It’s Hokie Game Day! follows two little Hokies as they enjoy the sights, sounds, and traditions of game day at Virginia Tech.
The publisher is Mascot Books (P.O. Box 220157, Chantilly, VA 20153);
Recipes from Historic Louisiana by Linda Bauer (M.S. education '78) and her husband, Steve, includes culinary delights from chefs at 48 restaurants. Some proceeds will benefit the National Trust Hurricane Recovery Fund.
The publisher is Bright Sky Press (P.O. Box 416, Albany, TX 76430);