In 2002, Elizabeth Brownlee Kolmstetter faced what some called an insurmountable hurdle: federalizing a workforce of 55,000 airport security screeners within the year. Fueled by her passion for her work and love for her country, she met this challenge head-on.
It has never been easy for international students to leave home for a college education in the United States. In the wake of Sept. 11, however, things have gotten even more difficult for these students. Learn how some international students are coping--even as their numbers at Virginia Tech are declining.
Although many of us are blessed to have jobs that we love, most of us can't truly claim that others find our careers exciting, distinctive, or enviable. Even so, we happened upon a few Hokies whose professional endeavors are indeed special--and they've shared the ins and outs of their occupations.
Anyone would agree that the exuberance of a home crowd during sporting events adds immeasurably to the experience. But over the past few years, some fans may have gone too far. Just where should the line be drawn?

Cover: Just another workday commute for Chris Kugelman '94, who took this photo from aboard the ship M/V Mochanov en route to Elephant Island, Antarctica.