If you have published a general-interest book in the past six months, please let us know. Review copies can be mailed to: Virginia Tech Magazine, 105-A Media Bldg. (0109), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
Books submitted to Virginia Tech Magazine for review will be donated to the library in The Grove, home of President and Mrs. Charles W. Steger, unless authors specifically request their return. Faculty, staff, and alumni wanting to contribute other books they have written should mail the books to The Grove (0446), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
A notoriously contentious couple, English writer D.H. Lawrence and his German wife, Frieda von Richthofen, spent most of their lives together, eschewing criticism of their unconventional ways. A new understanding of their marriage is the foundation for Living at the Edge: A Biography of D.H. Lawrence and Frieda von Richthofen by professor of English, Michael Squires, and his wife, Lynn K. Talbot, professor of Spanish at Roanoke College. The first Lawrence biography to make full use of Richthofen's unpublished personal correspondence, as well as interviews with people who knew her, Living at the Edge depicts the couple as free spirits trapped in a conformist world. The publisher is The University of Wisconsin Press (1930 Monroe St., Madison, WI 53711); http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress. |
Wish you had a cobblestone walkway winding through your garden or maybe a colorful parquet pattern around your pool? Patios, Driveways, and Plazas: The Pattern Language of Concrete Pavers by David R. Smith (architecture '77; M.S. urban and regional planning '82) examines a variety of paving designs for homeowners, architects, and contractors seeking to convey a site's "feel" down to the very last stone. To that end, Smith's text is essentially a collection of design ideas with nearly 200 pages of color photographs, as well as a guide listing manufacturers and their contact information. The publisher is Schiffer Publishing Ltd. (4880 Lower Valley Rd., Atglen, PA 19310); http://www.schifferbooks.com. |
William G. Wyatt Sr. (Ed.D. '78), professor of drafting at John Tyler Community College in Chester, Va., has published his second book, Accessing AutoCAD Architectural Desktop. Suitable for beginning to intermediate users, the text offers a nuts-and-bolts introduction to the essential commands and features of AutoCAD Architectural Desktop Release 3, as well as detailed examples and applications of commands for the development of both residential and commercial buildings. The publisher is Delmar Learning (Executive Woods, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065-2919); http://www.delmarlearning.com. |
Live a Difference by Marta Wilson (Ph.D. psychology '93) and Cindy Schilling (M.B.A. marketing '86) is an interactive book designed to help you "stretch beyond the familiar to take charge of your life and stay focused on results." By creating a handbook that offers both inspiration and options by which to better your life and "game" pieces to construct your life's goals in tangible models, Wilson and Schilling have put together a winning combination for those seeking to feel better about themselves. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book go to the Live A Difference Foundation (http://www.liveadifference.org), dedicated to charitable causes that make a difference in people's lives. The publisher is Live A Difference Productions (P.O. Box 517, Dublin, VA 24084); http://www.liveadifference.com. |
In Forget Everything You Ever Learned, Michael Harden (sociology '74) notes, "Our freedom is restricted by the conditions placed on us by society, nature, and many other circumstances beyond our control. Although we are not free from these conditions, we are free to determine how these conditions affect our lives." A former CEO, Harden explains how we sometimes make choices based on erroneous beliefs typically learned in childhood and often accepted without question. He then illustrates how we can identify and "unlearn" troublesome beliefs as a first step toward change and growth. The publisher is VirtualBookworm.com (P.O. Box 9949, College Station, TX 77842). |
Ashes in the Wind, the third book by licensed psychologist Karen (Thomason) Gillman (M.S. family development '74), seeks to help its readers deal with death. With a husband in the final stages of Alzheimer's disease, Gillman understands firsthand how to cope with the impending loss of a loved one, especially the "long, slow farewell," arguably the most difficult time for any survivor. The publisher is Wyndham Hall Press (5050 Kerr Rd., Lima, OH 45806); http://www.wyndhamhallpress.com. |
Bill Markley's (biology '73, M.S. environmental science and engineering '75) Dakota Epic: Experiences of a Re-enactor During the Filming of "Dances with Wolves" is an extra's personal account of the making of Kevin Costner's 1990 award-winning epic film. A Civil War re-enactor for scenes shot in Pierre, S.D., Markley kept a journal during filming, which led to Dakota Epic. The text also includes illustrations by Jim Hartzell, another extra on the film. The publisher is Writer's Showcase, an imprint of iUniverse.com, Inc. (5220 S. 16th St., Ste. 200, Lincoln, NE 68512); http://www.iuniverse.com. |
Edited by William Newton, professor of biochemistry, along with Turlough Finan, Mark O'Brian, David Layzell, and Kevin Vessey, Nitrogen Fixation: Global Perspectives collects the proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation held in mid-2001 in Ontario. Compiled in this volume--a useful reference for those working in plant crop sciences, biochemistry, and microbiology--is documentation of the nearly 70 oral and 200 poster presentations given during the conference, including findings in bacterial and plant genomics and developmental biology. The publisher is CABI Publishing (10 E. 40th St., Ste. 3203, New York, NY 10016); http://www.cabi-publishing.org. |
A modest Midwesterner, John Bardeen was the only person ever awarded two Nobel Prizes in physics, the first in 1956 for the invention of the transistor with William Shockley and Walter Brattain, and the second in 1972 with Leon Cooper and J. Robert Schrieffer for the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity. Although Bardeen's work changed the face of modern physics and advanced the course of human history, the physicist, who died in 1991, remains relatively unknown to the general public. In True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen, Lillian Hoddeson and Vicki Daitch (M.A. history '91) introduce one of the most inspired scientists of the 20th century, offering a "whole new perspective," they claim, "on what it truly means to be a genius." The publisher is Joseph Henry Press (500 Fifth St. N.W., Washington, DC 20001); http://www.jhpress.org. |
The Environmental Guidebook: A Selective Reference Guide by Jeff Staudinger (civil engineering '84, M.S. environmental engineering '86) profiles nearly 500 national organizations and other groups--including key sources of information and data--engaged in environmental activities in the U.S. and around the world. An accompanying CD-ROM provides supplemental materials referenced in the text, as well as Internet links to access additional information. The publisher is Environmental Frontlines Publishing (P.O. Box 43, Menlo Park, CA 94026); http://www.envirofront.org. |
In The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid, Michael Alley, lecturer in the mechanical engineering department, examines the strengths and shortcomings of a variety of scientific presentations by such luminaries as Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and Linus Pauling. Carefully illustrating the "differences between strong and weak presentations," the text positions scientific and technical professionals to improve their own presentations, and both challenges and offers alternatives to a number of traditional practices. The publisher is Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. (175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010); http://www.springer-ny.com.
In Fritz Muller, A Naturalist in Brazil, retired professor of biology David A. West sketches a fascinating biographical account of German exile Fritz Muller, a pioneer farmer and naturalist who "played a little recognized role in supplying Darwin with important data for his post-1865 evolutionary writings," according to Duncan M. Porter, the director of Tech's Darwin Correspondence Project. Muller--a respected contributor to butterfly biology by way of a theory now known as "Mullerian mimicry"--receives the attention he deserves as a pivotal figure in the history of Darwinism and the theory of evolution. The publisher is Pocahontas Press (P. O. Box F, Blacksburg, VA 24063-1020); 800/446-0467.
A charming books for Hokie kids, Hello HokieBird! by Aimee Sutter Aryal (finance '93; M.Acct. '95) recounts a journey around campus by the HokieBird. The lovable mascot makes stops at the Duck Pond, Burruss Hall, and other campus landmarks before heading to Lane Stadium for a football game. The text's illustrations are by current art student Sarah Meadows. The publisher is Mascot Books (P.O. Box 220157, Chantilly, VA 20153-0157); http://www.mascotbooks.com.
A Chance to Win: A Complete Guide to Physical Training in Football, by Mike Gentry (Ed.D curriculum and instruction '99), Tech's director of strength and condition and assistant athletics director for athletic performance, and Tony Caterisano, a professor of health and exercise science at Furman University, is a comprehensive guide for developing a sound training program specifically for football players. The text provides more than 400 pages of practical and scientific information on strength training, conditioning, nutrition, and motivation for the beginner to the advanced athlete. The publisher is The Iron Palace Company, LLC (Tony Caterisano, Dept. of Health and Exercise Science, Furman University, 3300 Poinsett Hwy., Greenville, SC 29612); e-mail: tony.caterisano@furman.edu. |