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Tell the truth: Are you a Hokie "fan-atic"?
by Sherry Bithell
You can find them everywhere around the commonwealth, across the country, and throughout the world. Chances are pretty good you know one: a family member, a former roommate, a co-worker, maybe even you, yourself. We're talking about...Hokie "fan-atics."
Aside from the infamous Hokie Man's seasonal display of his true colors, the university counts among its numbers legions of dyed-in-the wool Hokies. Whether they show it in their dress or décor, their lifestyles or in the workplace, their vehicles or their feats of derring-do in the name of Virginia Tech, these individuals have one thing in common: unquestionably orange and maroon blood. Although Virginia Tech Magazine received several nominations for this article, space precludes mentioning each one. So in a tribute to all of Tech's loyal alumni and friends, here's a look at just a few of our most Hokie fans!
He gives at the office
C. Wayne Bishop is known as "Mr. Hokie' around the office. It may not sound like a great feat--until you realize he works at Virginia Tech. Bishop, who is the university's payroll manager, says he campaigned to "convince our management to allow us to have 'Hokie Spirit Day' every Friday during football and basketball season. On these days, everyone in the office wears Hokie apparel, and we even purchased--with our own money--Hokie shirts that say 'Virginia Tech Controller's Office.'' Bishop adds that his minister once asked him if all his clothes had Virginia Tech on them. When Bishop retired as a salaried employee, Head Football Coach Frank Beamer arranged for the Hokie Bird to attend the reception.
Bishop's enthusiasm for Virginia Tech isn't limited to his workplace--although his wife might wish otherwise. At home, the walls of his recreation room are covered with Hokie pictures that are now spilling down the hallway. "My wife has said, under no circumstances are they going upstairs when I run out of room in the lower level,' Bishop admits.
A tag-team effort
Jon Wilt (electrical engineering '93) and Mike Abbott (mechanical engineering '96; MS '00) approach their fanaticism as a team. These two die-hard Hokies, along with assorted friends, testify to the following in the name of Virginia Tech:
- Wilt and Abbott co-founded the "nationally famous' fan club devoted to former Hokie place holder Caleb Hurd's 1999 Heisman Trophy campaign. Their efforts were featured on ABCSports.com and on various radio shows and newspapers; you can still visit their web site at www.hsanet.net/user/jwilt/Hurd/caleb99.htm .
- According to Wilt, "We know that in the 1890s, "Hullabaloo G-nik G-nik, Hullabaloo G-nik G-nik, Wa-hee, Wa-hee, Look at the Man, Look at the Man, Look at the Virginia Tech Man' lost out to "Hokie Hi' as the official school cheer. We are bitterly disappointed.'
- The two claim to be the pioneers in the field of wearing paper Thanksgiving turkey centerpieces on their heads at football games.
- Abbott owns a house in Blacksburg that he rents to graduate students. Written into the lease is the stipulation that he and his friends have the right to "hang out" and sleep on the floor during any football weekend.
- During the 1997 Rutgers-Tech game, they commandeered the television in the Billings, Mont., airport bar. Hapless patrons had no choice but to watch.
- Wilt notes that they both "witnessed the horror of 2-8-1 and are stronger men because of it." He adds that, when wounded, they both bleed Chicago maroon.
Neither rain nor sleet nor flu
Watching Virginia Tech play in the 1999 Sugar
Bowl wasn't quite the experience Susan Baines
(mechanical engineering '96) had expected. After she purchased
two tickets on e-Bay, she felt "good, knowing I was going to
the national championship with thousands of other
Hokies, celebrating a monumental event in Tech football history,"
she says.
"Everything went downhill from there."
When the tickets for the Tuesday, Jan. 2, game
arrived on Friday, Dec. 31, the deliveryman balked because
her cashier's check "didn't say 'cashier's check' on it." After
he left--with her tickets--an incensed Baines drove to
the delivery company's office to retrieve them, only to find
that it had closed early because of the holiday. After pounding
on the door and calling the company's national number on
her cell phone, "ranting and raving," she finally got her tickets.
"I couldn't have been happier," she says.
Until the next night, when she started feeling ill. As
it turns out, "I had my airline tickets, hotel reservations,
game tickets--and the flu." Three days, two flu shots, and a
good deal of medicine later, the intrepid Baines headed to
New Orleans on the day of the game, no longer contagious
but fairly miserable. When she checked into the hotel,
her temperature was 104°F. Naturally, she says, "we had to
walk about seven blocks before we could catch a trolley."
During the game, Baines says she was happy to be
there but "I was silent for the first half of the game, trying
to conserve energy just to remain alive." Afterward, she
went back to the hotel with a temperature of 103°F. "I slept
the entire next day while my boyfriend and college buddies
went out on the town. So, I'm waiting for the Hokies to go to
the Sugar again so I can enjoy the experience a little more,"
she says, adding that, regardless, "I never thought once about
not going to the game."
Straight from Lee Corso's mouth
It's official: ESPN College Football Analyst Lee Corso is a believer. Corso, whose car was struck by lightning moments after he predicted Virginia Tech would lose last year's pre-empted 2000 Black Coaches' Association preseason game versus Georgia Tech, says the Hokies will play for this year's national championship title. On the August 23 ESPN College Gameday Preseason Show, Corso said, "Last year when I did not pick Virginia Tech, lightning hit my car. And I said 'I don't know what a Hokie is, but God is one of them.' So I'm going with God. I'm going with Virginia Tech."
Endless love?
From childhood, Sandy Thornton was destined to be a Virginia Tech fan. "Talk about Hokie!" she says. "My dad, Bill Thornton (agricultural economics '56), is the Gobbler-town kingor is it turkey? And Rita, my mom, is the Gobbler-town queen. I think I knew 'Tech Triumph' by heart by the time I was four," she adds. "When I was growing up, the house was decorated in maroon and orange carpet, curtains, throw rugs, toilet seat covers, you name it, and with Virginia Tech pictures all over the wall, a Hokie bar with matching bar stools and Hokie glasses. I knew what I would get for Christmas: Tech t-shirts. And to every Tech game we wore maroon and orange. I think there might be a secret closet that used to be a bedroom just dedicated to the maroon and orange Tech wear." In spite of the preponderance of maroon and orange in her life, Sandy chose to attend Tech--graduating in
1990where she met her husband, Bob Noel II
(communications '83), whose own family includes three other alumni. Guess
it just goes to show that some people simply can't get enough
of Tech.
Set in ink
Brian Rice (accounting '94; M.Acct. '95) demonstrated his lasting commitment to the Hokies when he got his detailed tattoo (shown here). Talk about suffering for the cause. Brian notes that his masterpiece needs one final touch: "National Champions." He's just waiting for the year.
For the record
Secretary of the Commonwealth Anne Peter says
her loyalty to the Hokies began at her first Virginia Tech
football game in the fall of 1967, which she attended with her
future husband, Ronnie Petera (management '69), now a member
of the board of visitors. And she's never looked back.
"There's nothing better than Blacksburg on a crisp Saturday
afternoon in the fall," she muses. "The color, the camaraderie,
the coaches, and athletes combine for a memorable experience."
Petera, whose son, Paul, graduated from Virginia Tech
in 1991, showed her true colors to the world last year. As
a delegate to the Republican National Convention, Petera
was chosen to make the motion to adjourn the convention on
the second night. When the camera and microphone went
live, Petera addressed the national television audience:
"Madam Chairman, I am proud to serve Governor Jim Gilmore as
the Secretary of the great Commonwealth of Virginia, home
of the Virginia Tech Hokies, and I move that this
convention stand adjourned until 7 p.m. on Wednesday."
She points out that this was an especially bold move
given her boss' own alma mater; Gilmore holds two degrees
from the University of Virginia.
Living the "fan-atics" dream
Like most football fans on Saturdays during the
fall, Morris Skeen (business '77; M.B.A. '79) and Steve
Adams (education '88) can be found rooting for the Hokies
from their seats in Lane Stadium, discussing plays and doing a
little armchair quarterbacking. On Tuesdays, though, "Morris
The Big Cat" and "Hokie Steve" voice their opinions on the
air when they host "Tech Talk Tuesday" on SportsRadio 910
in Richmond.
"Tech Talk Tuesday" was started in 1994 by "The Voice
of the Hokies," Bill Roth. After he stopped doing the
show, SportsRadio 910 approached Skeen and Adams, avid
Richmond Hokie Club members, to host the show--in addition
to their full-time jobs--for up to 18 weeks out of the
"We've tried not to take the professional media
approach," emphasizes Skeen. "We're just a couple of regular guys
sitting around, having fun, and talking football."
The sports information department has helped the
duo land on-air guests such as Coach Frank Beamer,
Athletic Director Jim Weaver, current and former players,
and members of the football staff. This is the fourth year
they have hosted the show, and the first year it will be two
hours long. Despite the time they put into the show, Skeen
says, "We're still having fun."
Adams agrees, "It's a great time to report on Virginia
Tech football. It's like getting calls from friends." He recalls a
story from the 1999 West Virginia game, when a West Virginia
fan named "Mountaineer Mark" kept phoning in. Tech was
about two minutes from losing the game until Michael
Vick sprinted for 26 yards to help set up a last-minute,
game-winning, 44-yard field goal by Shayne Graham. "Mark
didn't call back after that," notes Adams.
During football season, Hokie fans can call the show
on Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m. (Richmond : 804/649-9100;
toll-free: 800/955-7333).
Home of the Hokies

Technically speaking, Blacksburg is considered the Home of the Hokies, but you wouldn't know it after visiting the house of Douglas (mechanical engineering '62) and D. A. Powell of Halifax, Va. At the front entrance, a sign proudly proclaims the residence as "Hokie Haven"; nearby, a concrete turkey surrounded by orange and maroon flowers proves that the sign is no lie. Inside, the Powells have turned their guest bathroom into the "Tech Lounge," decorating it entirely with Tech paraphernaia, including a hand-carved Gobbler toilet seat, maroon shower curtains, orange bath mats, and the VT logo ringing the top of the walls and laminated into the cabinet doors. A love of Tech only begins at home for the Powells, who take their Hokie Haven on the road when they travel to football games. In addition to flying a Virginia Tech flag, their motorhome sports a maroon patio awning inscribed "The Powells" and "Virginia Tech." "Additional customizing is planned," notes Douglas. No mistaking these fanatics at a tailgate!
View may have changed, seats are the same
Dick Wilkinson (conservation and forestry '42) has
seen a lot of change in Lane Stadium since 1966, but one
thing that's stayed the same is his view of the game--he has
had the same four 50-yard line seats for 35 years. Wilkinson,
who acknowledges that his view is "pretty good," says his
guest list, unlike his seats, varies from game-to-game.
Sometimes it's his son or daughter, sometimes his granddaughter or
his good friend, a VMI alumnus. And occasionally, in his role
as a volunteer fundraiser for the Virginia Tech Corps of
Cadets, he invites other lucky alumni to sit with him.
Regardless of his seatmates, Wilkinson says he
has enjoyed the changing face of Tech football throughout
the years, the one constant being his fellow fans. "The crowd
is wonderful. They're not mean and nasty--they're nice,"
he comments. "I've had friends from other schools tell me,
'You guys make a lot of noise, but you're nice about it.'"
As for the evolution of Lane Stadium around
him, Wilkinson looks forward to the expansion. "As long as I
can keep my seats," he adds.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...a Hokie race car!
Hokie fans who go to a Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Series (MARRS) race might wonder if their loyalty to Virginia Tech is affecting their eyesight when they see an orange-and-maroon blur whip around the track. Don't worry, it's just Dave Dobyns (vocational education '66), who races his self-described "VT Hokie Camaro" as a hobby on weekends. This is the fifth season Dobyns, whose "day job" is vice president and CEO of Dobyns Construction in Manassas, has raced in the MARRS. Observant readers may note that his car number is his class year. In addition to several VT stickers on his car, he sports an Active Alumni sticker and a Tech license plate. Dobyns also admits to a Hokie superstition: "I wear an old Tech t-shirt for every race. And I even have backups in case someone takes it." Whatever his secret, it seems to be working. Last year, Dobyns won the series and, as of August, is this year's points leader. 'Tis the luck of the Hokies?
Crazy for the Hokies? You could be a winner!
Calling all Hokies: On September 1, the
Virginia Tech Licensing Department launched a contest asking
fans to go "Crazy for the Hokies"and as shown in the
accompanying article, that might not be a stretch for some alumni and friends.
The object of the newly created annual contest is for entrants to reproduce one of the
four Tech logos in the biggest, most creative, and even
outlandish manner possible. "The contest is open to any
person, group of people, school, or organization to create
the largest reproduction of one of the four university
logos," says Director of Licensing and Trademark
Administration Locke White. The four logos are the Hokie Bird, the
university shield, "VT," and the word "Hokies."
White says he hopes that Hokie fans go "all out
and have fun with this. I expect a contestant to enter a
giant Hokie Bird in the sand beside the Sphinx in Egypt,"
he jokes. (We hope.) First, second, and third prizes will
be awarded based on the size, uniqueness, amount of
exposure, and quality of the logo reproduction. Winners will
be announced during halftime at the December 1 home
game versus the University of Miami, with photos of the
winning entries to be shown on the scoreboard.
All entry forms and related materials must be
received no later than November 1. For detailed guidelines and
the official entry form, go to www.crazyforthehokies. vt.edu or contact the Virginia Tech Licensing Department. Let's go, Hokies!